Report 2000


Individual Champion ‘Monny’ third year running

After the main event there was a three-way International challenge match between England, Germany and the USA. It was a round robin tournament with each team playing the others three times.

The United States Marbles team was coached by Jeff Kimmell who was the National Champion at Wildwood NJ in 1981 and as well as being a marbles coach is currently Director of a tournament in Maryland. Team members ranged in age from 14 to 35 they were - Danny La Gamba’ Ben Nelson, Emily Martin, Andrew Bunch, Doug Watson, Vaughn Sheroda, Jeff Stauss, Bob Darr, Megan Winkelman and Robbie Nicholson.

The British team playing today had been selected according to the known ability and availability of our top players. We do not have a team coach and these players have not previously competed as a team but as members of several teams. That said, they did put up fierce competition against the opposition. The team was picked from the following players - Darren Ray, Colin Gardner, Buzzard, Paul Smith, Monny, Barry Ray, Paddy Graham, and Jen McGowan,

The German Team Like the British team was made up of players from various club teams and so did not play as well as they might have done, but they did try their best.

International Winner US Marble Team
Best Lady Player Jen LeBon
Individual Champion Monny (Simon Monahan)
Runners Up Barrel Scrapers
Team Winners Black Dog Boozers

US team talk in the car park


German cheer leaders move round the ring


US - German match in progres


Bobby Darr in the ring

Marble Factoids

• 20 teams or 120 players
• 20 nose drops
• 980 target marbles used – 623 or 64% were knocked out.
• 27 players were killed.
• 33 players had no score and 20 players made double figures.
• Highest breaks of the day were 22 from Jen LeBon & Darren Ray


US and German captaind 'Nose Drop'


Colin Gardener posses for the press