Ian Gardener


Ian played at Tinsley Green from 1973 until 1976
and from 1980 until 2016

Ian first played at Tinsley Green in early 1970s as amember of the Pernod Rams who were runner ups in 1973 and 1974 and wiiners in 1976 when they beat the reigning champions the Toucan Terribles in the final.

Ian Played in the Black Dog team continually for 37 years from 1980 until 2016, he was individuals champion in 1986 & 2010, and he has played in the golden oldies since 2006 and was the winner in 2009.

He is the only player in the team who has played in all its 37 championship, Colin and Steve have played in 36 missing only one year each.

The Black Dog team have been finalist 19 times wining the Championships 14 times the last in 2013.

Ian was from a family of marble players, his dad Derek played for many years as did his brother Colin, his sister Janice and his son Chris.

Ian Gardner
Competitor at the World Marbles Championship
By George Nelson
Vice April 8, 2015


Ian Gardner in his own words
"I've been playing marbles for 40 years. It takes a lot of practice, like every other sport, but now I'm getting old I don't practice so much—it's hard getting up and down now; my legs ache. I've won the team event 14 times. That's not too bad, is it?"

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